If you’re a business owner, you probably know that google AdWords is one of the most popular advertising platforms in the world. But if you’re making mistakes with your account, it can cost you money and potentially damage your brand. So, what are some of the most common mistakes businesses make?

1.   Not Understanding the ROI of Your Ads

This is the most common mistake. As you create and manage your ads, you should always be asking yourself: “What is the return on investment (ROI) of this ad?” If you’re not sure, then it’s time to get an expert in to help.If you’re not careful, your ads will end up costing more than they should. When you’re setting up your bids and budgets, it’s important to understand how much of each bid will go toward the cost of each ad, how much will go toward bidding on keywords that aren’t even relevant to your business, and how much will go toward boosting your rankings in the search results.

2.   Over-optimizing for Conversions

You want to be able to answer the question “How much would it cost per conversion?” When it comes to optimizing for conversions, there’s no such thing as ‘too much’. You need to optimize for all of your ad groups and display groups so that you can find out which ones are performing well and which ones aren’t. This information will help you adjust future campaigns so that they perform better and reach more people who might convert into customers or leads for your company.If you’re not using data-driven bidding, you’re leaving money on the table. Data-driven bidding enables you to bid on keywords that are most likely to convert. This can help you save money by making sure that your ads are more relevant than those of competitors and their advertising budgets are higher.

3.   Using too many keywords

A good rule of thumb is to use no more than three different keywords per ad group. This will help ensure that your ads are getting the exposure they deserve and that you’re maximizing your return on investment.It’s no secret that mobile search is growing, and with it comes the need to optimize your ads for mobile.

According to Google, mobile searches are up 400% year-over-year (YoY). What’s more, this growth is accelerating.Quality scores are used to determine how high your sites rank in Google searches and whether or not they appear above or below other sites when users are searching for information on a particular topic or product or service. Quality scores also determine whether or not you’ll be eligible for organic traffic from Google searchers who don’t have any knowledge about what keywords you’re bidding on or any other aspects of SEO like link building strategy or content marketing efforts.

4.   Not identifying a clear niche

If it’s not easy for customers to find what they’re looking for when they search online, it’s unlikely that they will find your business page and end up converting in the long run. Make sure that your site is easy for customers to navigate and navigate quickly so that they don’t get frustrated or leave before making a purchase decision.

Google uses a variety of factors to determine how much money you’ll pay for each click on an ad. One of these factors is your keyword bid (the maximum amount you’re willing to pay per click). In general, the higher up in the SERP ranking you place your ads, the more likely it is that someone will click on them and convert into sales. But if there’s too much competition for one particular keyword or phrase in your ad group, then there’s no way for Google to show it at all — even if it has a much higher bid than any other ad in its group. So, if someone comes across your ad but doesn’t click on it, they won’t have any idea why (unless they look up your competitor’s URL). That could mean wasted clicks and lost revenue over time.

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